Most all Cape Cod old burying grounds have been surveyed once or more in the past. There were many surveys done about 1880 - 1900 and during the 1900's. These past surveys can be found in Cape Cod libraries, genealogical societies, historical societies and town offices. The Cape Cod Genealogical Society Library (CCGS) located in the Dennis Public Library, Cape Cod Community College Library Nickerson Reference Room (CCCC) in Barnstable, Sturgis Library in Barnstable, Eldredge Library in Chatham and Eastham Public Library provided valuable cemetery survey information for this web site.
Most of the pre-1800 gravestones listed on this web site were surveyed by R P Carlson during 1997 - 2002. This information was checked against previous surveys. Where discrepancies were found, those gravestones were resurveyed. Some of the gravestones found in previous surveys no longer exist. Therefore, the lists of names include information for some gravestones which no longer exist.
For gravestones dated after 1800, information from previous surveys was used where available. If no previous surveys were found, the cemeteries were surveyed by R P Carlson. In these cases there is no information about gravestones lost in past years. All survey records were double checked to minimize transcription errors. However, a few data errors may still exist.
There are some areas of ambiguity. For example, a gravestone which displays "36th year of her age" (actually age 35) and another which displays "aged 36 years & 7 months" both are recorded in the cemetery lists as Age 36. Double dates, e.g. "1710/11", are reported when this convention was used on the gravestone to indicate the year in both the old style Julian calendar and the new style Gregorian calendar. Where there are discrepancies between town vital records and gravestone inscriptions, the gravestone information is shown.
If there are questions about a specific gravestone record please e-mail
Following is a review of the earlier cemetery surveys used as sources for this web site. The information is organized by town from west to east on Cape Cod.
Old Bourne Cemetery
The Jonathan Bourne Historical Center in Bourne has a typewritten survey of the Old Bourne Cemetery in their cemetery files. The CCCC also has a copy of this survey. The CCCC has "History of the Old Bourne Cemetery 1740 -1930" by Betsey D Keene. This booklet provides historical information about the old cemetery but few gravestone details.
Bourne Cataumet Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1850 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Bourne Monument Beach Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1870 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Bourne Monument Neck Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1860 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Bourne Pocasset Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1860 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Bourne Sagamore Cemetery
A survey of the Bourne Sagamore Cemetery is in the 3 volume "Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885". It is in Volume 2 starting on Page 1598.
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a partial survey done in 1978.
Bourne Village Private Cemetery
The 3 volume "Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885" includes in Volume 2 a survey of this small private cemetery at the rear of 98 Cotuit Road.
Bournedale Herring Pond Indian Cemetery
The 3 volume "Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885" includes in Volume 2 a survey of Bournedale Herring Pond Cemetery.
CCGS Bulletin Vol 7 No 3 September 1981 has information about the Indian Cemetery including a survey. This may be a different cemetery than surveyed in the Sandwich V R but both would be in the same general area near Herring Pond.
The 3 volume "Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885" includes in Volume 2 surveys of most Sandwich old burying grounds. These Sandwich Vital Records are available in several Cape Cod libraries including CCGS, CCCC, Eastham and Sandwich.
Sandwich Old Burying Ground
Records of the Sandwich Old Burying Ground also are published in CCGS Bulletin Vol 9 No 2 June 1983. These records were compiled by Ella Frances Holway curator of the Sandwich Historical Society 1907 - 1915. A plot plan and location of all grave sites is included. Also the CCCC has a copy of a presentation given by Mrs Holoway on October 20, 1908 which provides additional information about the Sandwich Old Burying Ground including some unmarked graves.
Sandwich Percival Cemetery (aka Farmersville Cem)
The CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 has a survey of Percival Cemetery.
Sandwich Saint Peter's Catholic Cemetery
Complete records of this cemetery are on the Internet under the Massachusetts Tombstone Transcription Project at For the pre-1860 gravestones, there are some differences between these records and the information reported in the Sandwich Vital Records to 1885.
Mashpee Ancient Cemetery (aka Lakewood Cemetery)
The 3 volume "Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885" includes in Volume 2 a survey of this cemetery.
Mashpee Attaquin Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1895 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Mashpee Town Cemetery (aka Old Indian Cemetery)
Surveyed up to 1885 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
The Falmouth Vital Records up to 1849 and Vital Records 1850 to 1875 compiled by Col Oliver B Brown and published in 1976 include some gravestone records for thirteen Falmouth cemeteries. These VR are availble at several locations including CCGS, CCCC, Falmouth Library, Sturgis Library and Chatham Library.
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a project underway to completely survey most Falmouth cemeteries.
Falmouth Old Burying Ground
Henry Smythe surveyed the Falmouth Old Burying Ground in the early 1900's. The Falmouth Enterprise newspaper published his survey in a series of nineteen weekly articles running from October 17, 1903 through February 20, 1904. This information is available at the Falmouth Historical Society.
The Falmouth Historical Society has a good collection of photographs and inscriptions from the Falmouth Old Burying Ground. It also has a published paper about the Old Burying Ground which provides historical information and includes many photographs of important old gravestones.
Falmouth Bayview Cemetery
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a complete survey of this cemetery including gravestone photographs and genealogical information on their web site at
Falmouth Davisville Cemetery
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a complete survey of this cemetery including gravestone photographs and genealogical information on their web site at
Falmouth East End Cemetery
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a complete survey of this cemetery including gravestone photographs and genealogical information on their web site at
Falmouth Methodist Cemetery
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a complete survey of this cemetery including gravestone photographs and genealogical information on their web site at
Falmouth Oak Grove Cemetery
Most of the gravestone names were obtained from an unpublished survey by Brian Nickerson of Falmouth.
Woods Hole Village Cemetery
CCCC and Sturgis Library have a survey of the Woods Hole Village Cemetery covering gravestones from 1788 - 1968. The FHS also has records of this cemetery.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
Additional gravestone names were obtained from an unpublished survey by Brian Nickerson of Falmouth.
Cuttyhunk Cemetery
Most of the gravestone names were obtained from an unpublished survey by Brian Nickerson of Falmouth.
East Falmouth Methodist Cemetery
The Falmouth Genealogical Society has a complete survey of this cemetery including gravestone photographs and genealogical information on their web site at
North Falmouth Cemetery
Gravestone names were obtained from Falmouth Vital Records and from an unpublished survey by Brian Nickerson of Falmouth.
West Falmouth Friends Cemetery
Gravestone names were obtained from Falmouth Vital Records and from an unpublished survey by Brian Nickerson of Falmouth.
West Falmouth Private Cemetery (aka Crowell Cemetery)
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
Cemetery survey records for all the cemeteries in the various villages of the town of Barnstable are given in "Cemetery Inscriptions of the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts" by Paul Bunnell, 1992, Heritage Books. A revised and updated version with more listings was published in 1995. Gravestones are recorded for all persons born before 1900 and some persons born after 1900 so many gravestones from the 1900's are included. This reference book is available at most Cape Cod reference libraries.
The Sturgis Library has a good collection of Town of Barnstable cemetery surveys covering all the old cemeteries in the town.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society in early 2002 produced a CD titled "Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts" transcribed from the Gustavus Hinckley Collection located at the Sturgis Library. It includes surveys conducted in the late 1800's of 18 cemeteries in the town of Barnstable.
Barnstable Cobb's Hill, Lothrop Hill & West Barnstable cemeteries
The CCGS, CCCC and Sturgis libraries have "Tombstone Records to the Early 1890's" copied by Alice Marsh Sperl from the work of Gustavus Hinckley covering Cobb's Hill, Lothrop Hill and West Barnstable cemeteries. The original records are at Sturgis Library.
The West Barnstable Cemetery gravestone records by Hinckley were published in "The Mayflower Quarterly" Vol 45 No 1, 2 & 3 May, August and November 1979.
The Hinckley cemetery records also were published in the Barnstable Patriot newspaper 1888 - 1890. The CCCC also has some original Gustavus Hinckley notebooks with pencil sketches of old gravestones.
Barnstable Ancient Cemetery
CCCC and Sturgis have a survey of the Barnstable Ancient Cemetery on Phinney's Lane done in 1975 by Rebecca, Robert and Marjorie Dow. Also, CCGS has a typed survey of the Ancient Cemetery done by Ruby N R Sears.
Barnstable Cotuit Mosswood Cemetery
CCGS and Sturgis have surveys of Mosswood Cemetery.
Barnstable Hyannis South Street Cemetery
A survey of the Hyannis South Street Cemetery done in 1977 by Roberta Gilbert Bratti and Melody Bratti Masi was published in the CCGS Bulletin Vol 17 No 2 & 3 June & September 1991. Their survey includes the location of each grave site.
CCCC has "Collectors Luck - Giant Steps into Prehistory" by Betty Bugbee Cusack. Starting on page 141 there is a chapter presenting studies done by CCCC students concening the distribution and meaning of the various carved images on old gravestones in Barnstable old burying grounds including Hyannis South Street and Marstons Mills.
Yarmouth Ancient Cemetery
A CCGS volunteer group completed an up to date survey of the entire cemetery in 2005. The survey is available at the CCGS Library. The survey includes gravestone inscriptions, additional genealogical information and sketches of every gravestone.
A 1905 survey by Edna Taylor of Yarmouth Ancient Cemetery is included in the two volume set of "Yarmouth Vital Records" published in 1975. The survey is in Volume 2 starting on page 796. The names are listed in alphabetical order. These vital records can be found in many Cape Cod libraries.
Sturgis Library has a survey of the Ancient Cemetery along with surveys of most Yarmouth old cemeteries.
The CCCC has a booklet published by George Ernest Bowman, editor of "The Mayflower Descendant ", with surveys of Yarmouth Ancient and West Yarmouth Woodside Cemeteries. The surveys were done about 1906 by Thomas Thatcher and Stanley Smith.
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a partial survey done in the 1970's.
Yarmouth Georgetown Cemetery
CCGS Library has a survey done in 1970's and recopied in 1994 which includes a plot plan and names index.
Sturgis Library has surveys done in 1962 and 1978.
Yarmouth Pine Grove Cemetery
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a 1974 survey.
Yarmouth Quaker Cemetery
Sturgis Library has surveys done in 1964 and 1990.
Yarmouth Smallpox Cemeteries
Sturgis Library has a survey of the smallpox cemetery near Follins Pond.
South Yarmouth Baptist Church Cemetery
Sturgis Library has a 1962 survey of this cemetery.
South Yarmouth Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery
CCGS Library has a survey done in early 1980's and recopied in 1990 which includes a plot plan and names index.
Sturgis Library also has a 1960's survey.
West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery
"The Mayflower Descendant" has a survey in 1909 Volume 11 starting on page 223 and 1910 Volume 12 starting on pages 44 & 90. Also the Bowman booklet at CCCC mentioned under Yarmouth Ancient Cemetery includes West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery.
"Yarmouth Vital Records" has a survey of West Yarmouth Cemetery in Volume 2 starting on page 832.
Sturgis Library has a survey done in the 1960's.
A CCGS volunteer group completed a survey of this cemetery in 2001. The survey is available at the CCGS Library. The survey includes gravestone inscriptions, additional genealogical information and color photographs of every gravestone.
Yarmouth Port Woodside Cemetery - Summer Street
Sturgis Library has a survey of this cemetery.
"Yarmouth Vital Records" has a partial survey in Volume 2 starting on page 824.
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a partial survey.
"Cemetery Inscriptions of Dennis, Massachusetts" by Burton Nathaniel Derick, Heritage Books, 1993, is an excellent resource. It covers sixteen cemeteries including all cemeteries in Dennis and a few in Brewster and Harwich. To a large extent this book is based on many original surveys done by Pauline Wixon Derick from the 1960's to the early 1990's. The book is organized by cemetery and also contains an index of persons which covers all the cemeteries. Also included is a description of the carved images on most of the gravestones. The book is out of print and it is somewhat difficult to find. It is available at the CCGS Library located in the Dennis Public Library 673 Main St (Rte 28), Sturgis Library and Falmouth Library.
Dennis Ancient Cemetery
"The Mayflower Descendant" 1909 Vol 11 page 11 gives a survey of the South Dennis Cemetery near the RR station done in 1906 by Mary Abba Baker. This is now known as the Dennis Ancient Cemetery. It is located behind the Dennis town offices.
Dennis Hall Cemetery
The CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 4 December 1977 has a survey of the Hall family cemetery done by Hannah Paddock in 1909.
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a 1976 survey.
Dennis Paddock Cemetery
The CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 1 March 1977 has a survey of the Paddock family cemetery done in the early 1970's. CCGS also has a typed copy of this survey. Included in this report is information from a Paddock Cemetery survey done by Hannah Paddock in 1909.
Dennis Quaker Cemetery
The CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 4 December 1977 has a survey of the Dennis Quaker Cemetery.
Dennis Old Worden Cemetery
The CCGS Bulletin Vol 5 No 3 September 1979 contains a survey of Old Worden Cemetery in Dennis done by Roberta Bratti and others. This bulletin also contains a discussion of the various names given to this cemetery (Homer, Winslow, Worden) until it was named The Old Worden Cemetery by vote of a Special Dennis Town Meeting in 1979. CCGS also has a typed survey of Old Worden Cemetery done by Ruby N R Sears in the 1960's.
Dennis Baker and Wixon Family Cemeteries
The few gravestones in each of these family cemeteries are included in "Cemetery Inscriptions of Dennis, Massachusetts" by Burton Nathaniel Derick, Heritage Books, 1993.
Dennis Small Family Cemeteries
CCGS Bulletin Vol 27 No 1 Spring 2001 provides information on the location of some small family cemeteries in Dennis some of which no longer exist.
Brewster Old Burial Ground
"Mortuary Record from the Gravestones in the Old Burial Ground in Brewster" compiled by Charles E. Mayo and published in 1898 contains gravestone records and genealogical information concerning the persons buried there. Copies of the original Mayo book are available at CCGS and Sturgis libraries. A copy of the typewritten manuscript is available at the Eastham Library. CCGS Bulletin Vol 11 No 1 March 1985, Vol 12 No 1 March 1986 and Vol 12 No 2 June 1986 include an index to the Mayo survey of the Brewster Old Burial Ground.
CCCC has a map Of the Brewster Old Burial Ground published in 1999 by L Patterson, H Patterson and T Sweeney. It lists all the names with specific grave locations.
Brewster Dillingham Cemetery
A 1966 survey by Warren and Alice Sperl of the Brewster Dillingham Cemetery was published in CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 1 March 1977. The survey was reprinted in CCGS Bulletin Vol 19 No 4 December 1993.
The CCCC has a copy of a survey of Dillingham Cemetery done in July 1975 by Pamela Talin.
Brewster Foster Cemetery
CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 has a survey of Foster Cemetery.
Brewster Lower Road Cemetery
The CCGS Library has a typed manuscript of a partial survey. In August 2003 RPC completed a survey of all gravestones dated up to 1860.
Brewster Pine Grove Cemetery (off Foster Road)
CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 2 June 1977 has a survey of Pine Grove Cemetery. The survey also is included in CCGS Bulletin Vol 19 No 4 December 1993.
Brewster Red Top Cemetery
CCGS Bulletins Vol 3 No 1, 2 & 3 March, June & October 1977 have a survey of Red Top Cemetery. The survey also is included in CCGS Bulletin Vol 19 No 4 December 1993.
Brewster Sears Cemetery
A survey of the Brewster Sears Cemetery by L Ray Sears III was published in CCGS Bulletin Vol 18 No 1 March 1992. Also Mr Sears discusses this cemetery in CCGS Bulletin Vol 17 No 1 March 1991. Mr Sears has completly surveyed the cemetery including drawings of most of the old gravestones.
The CCCC has a copy of a survey of Sears Cemetery done in 1975 by Pamela Talin.
"Cemetery Inscriptions of Dennis, Massachusetts" by Burt Derick includes a survey of Sears Cemetery.
Brewster Crosby and Eldredge Family Cemeteries
The few gravestones in each of these two cemeteries are reported in "Historical & Genealogical Atlas & Guide to Barnstable County, MA" by Marjorie Hubbell Gibson.
CCGS Bulletin Vol 3 No 1 March 1977 lists all the Revolutionary War veterans buried in Harwich. It is based on a survey done in 1973.
Harwich First Congregational Church Cemetery
A survey of the Harwich Old Burying Ground in Harwich Center was published in "The Mayflower Descendant" 1911 Vol 13 starting on page 235 & 1912 Vol 14 starting on page 27. CCGS Library has these two articles in booklet form.
A survey of the Old Burying Ground in the early 1980's by Pauline Wixon Derick was published in CCGS Bulletin Vol 13 No 1 March 1987 and Vol 13 No 2 June 1987.
Sturgis Library has a survey of this cemetery.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
Harwich Island Pond Cemetery
A 1909 survey of Harwich Island Pond Cemetery gravestones dated before 1851 was published in "The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 13 1911 starting on page 2. This survey information also is published in CCGS Bulletin Vol 16 No 2 & 3 June & September 1990.
Harwich Kelley Cemetery
In 2003 RPC did a survey of gravestones dated up to 1865. No other surveys have been found.
CCGS Bulletin Volume 1 Number 1 October 1975 has a four page article about the Kelley family which mentions the Kelley Cemetery.
Harwich Port Mt Pleasant Cemetery
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
East Harwich Evergreen Cemetery
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
East Harwich Methodist Church Cemetery
(aka Union Cemetery)
A survey up to 1850 is published in "The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 21 No 2 April 1919. Also it is reprinted in CCGS Bulletin Vol 16 No 2 & 3 June & September 1990.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
East Harwich Old Methodist Cemetery
(aka Eldredge Cemetery)
A survey up to 1850 is published in "The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 19 1917. Also it is reprinted in CCGS Bulletin Vol 16 No 2 & 3 June & September 1990.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
North Harwich Cemetery
(aka Old Baptist Cemetery)
A survey up to 1850 is published in "The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 13 1911. It is reprinted in CCGS Bulletin Vol 12 No 4 December 1986.
South Harwich Cemetery
(at Old United Methodist Church)
Surveyed up to 1860 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
West Harwich Baptist Church Cemetery
"Cemetery Inscriptions of Dennis, Massachusetts" by Burt Derick includes a survey of Harwich Baptist Church Cemetery as it is close to the Dennis town line.
CCGS Bulletin Vol 12 No 3 September 1986 includes a survey of the Baptist Church Cemetery.
West Harwich Pine Grove Cemetery
Surveyed up to 1860 by R P Carlson in 2002. No previous surveys have been found.
Harwich Hawks Nest Pond Cemetery, Smith Family Cemetery,
Wixon Family Cemetery and Isolated Burial Sites
Surveys are included in CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978. The information is reprinted in CCGS Bulletin Vol 16 No 2 & 3 June & September 1990.
The best source for Chatham cemetery surveys is the Chatham Eldredge Library Genealogy Department.
Chatham Old Burial Ground - North and South Sections
(aka Old Queen Anne Cemetery)
A survey of gravestones dated up to 1851 in the Chatham Old Burying Ground North & South Sections was published in "The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 8 1906 starting on page 236 and Vol 13 1911 starting on pages 76 & 175.
A survey compiled in 1934 by Chester E Hudson is in the Chatham Library Genealogy Department in manuscript form. CCGS Bulletin Vol 12 No 3 September 1986 includes the Hudson 1934 survey of Chatham Old Buring Ground.
CCGS also has a 1986 compilation by J Samuel Slicer of copies of the handwritten Hudson surveys of Chatham Old Burying Ground, Chatham Smith Cemetery and Chatham Old Baptist Cemetery.
Chatham Come - Outers Cemetery
CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 page 58 includes a survey of this cemetery.
Chatham Old Baptist Cemetery
A survey up to 1850 is included in"The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 19 1917 starting on page 50.
CCGS Bulletin Vol 12 No 3 September 1986 includes a 1934 survey of this cemetery.
CCGS also has a copy of the Hudson survey of this cemetery compiled by Sam Slicer.
Chatham Nickerson Cemetery
CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 includes a survey of this cemetery.
Chatham Peoples Cemetery
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has a manuscript copy of a survey of Peoples Cemetery.
Chatham Seaside Cemetery
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has a manuscript copy of a survey of Seaside Cemetery.
Chatham Smith Burying Ground
CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 includes a survey of this cemetery.
Chatham Union Cemetery
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has a manuscript copy of a survey of Union Cemetery.
South Chatham Bethel Cemetery
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has a manuscript copy of a survey of this cemetery. Some of the names are the same as for South Chatham Methodist Cemetery.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has a survey of this cemetery. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
South Chatham Bassett, Eldredge and Orrick Smalley Chase Burial Plots
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has information on Bassett (2 stones) and Eldredge (3 stones). It is on the same page as a survey of South Chatham Methodist Cemetery.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) online database has surveys of these cemeteries. NEHGS membership is required to access the cemetery survey database.
South Chatham Methodist Cemetery
The Chatham Library Genealogy Department has a manuscript copy of a survey of South Chatham Methodist Cemetery. Some of the names are the same as for South Chatham Bethel Cemetery.
Chatham Isolated Burial Sites
"The Mayflower Descendant" Vol 19 1917 starting on page 49 has a survey of three private smallpox cemeteries in Chatham.
CCGS Bulletin Vol 4 No 3 September 1978 has surveys of isolated Chatham cemeteries including smallpox cemeteries. The surveys were done by Ruby N R Sears in 1961 - 1962.
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