Abigail Atwood 1760

headstone & footstone

In Memory of
wife of Mr NATHANIEL
ATWOOD who died Octr
the 6th A. D. 1760
In the 46 Year
of her Age

A. A.

The photo shows the headstone with the footstone in the background.

LOCATION - No SE 89 on EHS survey map

MATERIAL - slate

HEADSTONE - 17" W, 20" H, 2" D

FOOTSTONE - 11" W, 15" H, 1" D

CONDITION - lichen growth

COMMENTS - Headstone back and edges encased in resin bonded fiberglass applied about 1977. Footstone cleaned and reset July 2001. Headstone cleaned September 2004. Fiberglass backing removed October 2008. Headstone cleaned with D/2 and reset October 2008. Footstone cleaned July 2009.

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