Heman Doane 1863
infant Doane 1829
infant Doane 1834

broken headstone-2010 broken headstone-2010 broken headstone-2010 broken headstone-2010 broken headstone-1999 broken headstone-1999

Died in Eastham
July 25, 1863
Aged 73 Years

Infant sons of
Heman & Pamela Doane
Died Sept. 14, 1829
& July 27, 1834.

Farewell till we all meet again.

This gravestone has not been recorded in any previous survey of Orleans Center Cemetery. The two top photos show the broken base before and after cleaning in August 2010. The middle two photos show the broken top flat on the ground and then set behind the base after excavating and cleaning in August 2010. The two bottom photos show the gravestone in 1999 with the broken top on the ground. The photos were taken by Nancy Cleary as part of her research on the Doane family.

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