Sustained the office of Deacon near 30 Years
from the first Gathering of the Church
And after several Military Commissions A Dom
1758 received a Lieut Colonel's Commission in
the Army for the reduction of Canada
Pray think of Me as You pass by
As You are now so once was I
But now I lye Disolv'd to Dust
In Hopes to Rise among the Just
(right photo - partial inscription)
Reader S... not a Tear
And think of me who lies here
And while you read ... of me
Think on the Glass that runs for Thee
The box tomb on the right is not identified in earlier surveys. It is mostly unreadable except for fragments of the inscription and part of the epitaph. It is in Section F-3 in an area of Doane gravestones.
The box tomb may belong to Elisha Doane or Hezekiah Doane (d1808) who appear to be the most prominent persons buried in this section. Both Elisha and Hezekiah Doane also have traditional slate gravestones located near the box tomb. Also possibly the box tomb belongs to one of the wives of Elisha who were buried in this area - Hannah (d1786) and Hope (year of death unknown). Or possibly the box tomb belongs to one of the wives of Hezekiah buried in this area - Elizabeth (d1799) and Sarah (d1854).
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